What makes us stand out from the crowd

Type of documents

Traduciamo principalmente documenti di contenuto legale o giuridico in generale. We solely translate documents within the legal domain. Here is a short list by topic- Litigation proceedings – Summons – Court rulings – Legal deposition – Legal agreements – Patents – Evidence documents


Tutti i documenti a noi inviati sono legalmente protetti per sempre da non divulgazione su base informale o attraverso accordo legale. By law, we guarantee non-disclosure either on a trust base or via a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), therefore your documents are kept private and confidential at all times during translation and after they have been delivered to you.

Web tools

Facciamo ampio uso dei più aggiornati mezzi e strumenti offerti dalla rete per la soluzione dei problemi di traduzione o di resa. Our translators are able to make an extensive use of the Web for glossaries, dictionaries, dedicated list of words, translator’s directories, where they can consult corpora or interact with other professional translators for the solution of difficult translation problems or rendering.

Glossaries & Dictionaries